Floating | Teen Ink


September 20, 2014
By BreeLeeD BRONZE, Laurel Lake, New Jersey
BreeLeeD BRONZE, Laurel Lake, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No one ever pays attention to a balloon.
They don't want me for conversation,
But for entertainment instead.

No on ever notices a balloon
As it floats
Above their head.

They never see
When I'm about
To float away.

They never notice
When I'm tied around their wrist,
And kept at bay.

They just continue on
With their day,
Never bothering to look behind.

I float and I float,
Tied to their wrist,
Always feeling so confined.

But I don't mind so much.
I can see everything
As I float all the way up here.

I can see all the tears,
The lies,
And the fears.

I can see all the smiles,
The laughs,
And the cheers.

Tied to your wrist,
I can see everything
From way up here.

The author's comments:

I originally wrote this poem for a contest I participated in online. It won the contest and I love this poem so I wanted to share this with even more people.

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