My Uniform | Teen Ink

My Uniform

September 23, 2014
By proybal BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
proybal BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My uniform is black, leather and studded. The shell that keeps me safe from the plastic world that lives around me. It scares away the fake faces of society. Those that are spoon fed the ideas and values that are considered to be the "correct" way of living. My uniform is an expression of my free thinking and independence. It is exactly the way I want it, not what others think it should be. My uniform is judged and ridiculed by those who don't understand. In the end I'm happier because im dressing the way I want and no one can take that away from me. Very few people can get through the layers of dark colors, spikes and band tees to see my true personality. Most just become afraid and run away from what they see. My uniform is a test to those who believe they know what's the right was to be dressed. I shock people when I walk down the street, turning heads and shot with disgusted faces. But I'm still happy and I love my true self. Because at the end of the day my uniform is what makes me feel great about who I am.

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