Against the Current | Teen Ink

Against the Current

September 14, 2014
By Neil.V GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
Neil.V GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mind is like an ocean of contemplations.
As I lay sleeping, constantly dreaming,
my thoughts are creating a burning sensation.
I come to realize that this ocean is utter damnation

The pressure swells in an over-encumbering sensation,
the tide rises, mimicking my frustration.
I lay stagnant as the ocean returns to consume my sanity,
now, all I own is the feeling of vanity.

Where is my salvation?
The ocean disappeared long ago.
as I remain awake, constantly moving.
My mind is like a desert of isolation,

The author's comments:

This poem is an extension of myself. It is an explanation of why I fear and cherish conciousness and slumber as my mind races through the night, while being silent thorughout the day.

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