Flavours of life | Teen Ink

Flavours of life

September 14, 2014
By meema BRONZE, Dindigul, Other
meema BRONZE, Dindigul, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Flavours of life
A life of love and relationships,
To share our tears and hardship.
Life is a mixed taste of joys and sorrows,
That mends us for a better tomorrow.
A life starting with birth,
May fill the world with sweet mirth.
A life of divinity,
With happiness eternity.
Life gives us opportunities,
To savour all our abilities.
Life of hard work and pain,
To fruity success- is it vain?
Life sets us higher poles,
To achieve delicious goals.
A life lived with contentment,
With death as a bitter disappointment.
Finally a life..........
Should not be an ending,
But a beautiful beginning.

The author's comments:

this work was written as a tribute to my mom. she was the one who inspired me. this work is dedicated to her.

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