The Struggles of Adolescence | Teen Ink

The Struggles of Adolescence

September 17, 2014
By Anonymous

I see you struggling,

I want to help,

but I don't know  what I can do.

I want to be that person,

that person you come to.

I want to be that shoulder,

that shoulder you lay your burdens on.

and when you come to me,

to rest your head upon my shoulder,

I would tell you that I have struggled too.

I wouldn't make it about me,

I would simply tell you what I went through.

That way I could relate it back to you.

If only it were that easy.

to tell you the story of my phantom pains,

so I could help heal and take yours away.

There is only one problem.

No two problems are the same.

So for now,

all I can do is watch,

to make sure you're ok,

wipe the tears as they come,

and make a promise to you,

that I will always be that person to listen.

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