Where If From | Teen Ink

Where If From

September 16, 2014
By Sean Moen SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Sean Moen SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the boat, from Waterville Lake, and the house my dad grew up in.
I am from the black and grey stone patio.
I am from the hundred foot oak trees covering the yard in shade, the tulips along the house, and the water so weedy you can’t see the bottom.

I am from hard boiled egg fights on Easter and the melodic sounds of Greek music playing in the dinning room, from Mom and Dad and grandpa Nick.
I am from the fishing after dinner and my uncles involved in a political debate.
From my grandpa telling me “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” “patience is the most important virtue,” and “if you don't succeed try again .”

I am from football Sundays watching nfl games from 12AM to 10PM whether the packers or not.
I am from Waukesha but really Greece, and Germany, eating brats more than three times a week and of coarse eating Greek Egg Lemon soup when available.
I am from my kitchen, my couch. and the Greek restaurant known as simply “The Greek Restaurant.”

I am from the walls in my Grandma’s house lined with a family portraits.
I am from the time where my dad was pushed by my mom and fell in the lake, the phone in his pocket destroyed, and my mom’s laughter.
From Waterville Lake and Greek Restaurant.

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