I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

September 16, 2014
By senior2015 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
senior2015 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from art museums to zoo trips in Milwaukee, Wi.

From spontaneous adventures with my family
And a fun filled childhood of unforgettable times traveling up North, attending State Fair, and making a cozy fire pit in our backyard.

I am from Disney movies; Snow White, Cinderella, and my favorite Finding Nemo.
From picnics in the long, soft grass of my backyard
And playing with the stray cats that wander in the yard from the farms surrounding my house.

I am from the unforgettable day in 5th grade when I slipped on my icy driveway during the wicked winter.
From knowing what it feels like to break two bones in my wrist...
And the excruciating pain shooting throughout my body making me cringe at every moment along with the seven week recovery accompanying a cast in the hot days of summer.

I am from my mother's soft words repeating, “Nothing in life ever comes easy.”
From working hard to achieve my goals
And from taking everything day by day reminding myself it can always get better.

I am from doing difficult chemistry and advanced algebra homework.
From getting frustrated and wanting to give up
And from the cold, creamy, cookie dough ice cream that made it all better.

I am from a family that comes first.
From a family that values themselves
And a family that loves themselves along with the world around them

I am from a two story light green house surrounded by farms.
From our three acres of ravishing, peaceful, and quiet stricken land
And our old, stone barn in the backyard.

I am from the country
From the corn raisin’ high passed our knees on the Fourth of July
And from the sound of roosters and cows early in the morning, begging for their grub.

I am from Stone Bank, Wisconsin.

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