reality | Teen Ink


August 25, 2014
By CieraMccor BRONZE, Whittier, California
CieraMccor BRONZE, Whittier, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
stay strong and dont let anyone stand in your way

You are my reality and it’s like imp in hell

You will be the death of me by the end of tonight

Ashes blacken out the sky

Acid rain floods the streets

Your blood drips from my fingertips

Now your soul can burn

Your soul can’t be saved

It felt like the walls were closing in on me

I feel like I’m suffocating

This is a side of me that you haven't seen

You know how to bring me down

You were my world

Then you showed how fake you truly were

Now I show you no mercy

I am invincible

Believe me you've never met a b**** like me

I will take you for a ride

Just take a look in my eyes

I will break you a million different ways

I am rising up

I am alive get ready for the ride of your life

You can’t escape my grip tonight

This time you're going down

I want to hear you beg for mercy at my feet

If you think I will spare you are sadly mistaken

I am gonna rip you to pieces and feed you to wolves

This is the sound of starting over

Get ready to fight for your life

God can’t save you tonight

Nice to think you thought I would be fooled that easily

You showed your true colors and now it is your turn to see mine

Get prepared my love I am going to be the one who will throw the first punch

You were like a drug and now I want to slit my wrist to get you out

Now I know you were nothing

I thought I would miss you but I would rather die to have you near me

I thought you were my hope to survive but you are the one who is killing me

Here is a kiss of death now you get to lose everything

And here’s to those bitches they can watch you burn in hell too

There’s no hope in my soul there is nothing but darkness

There is a monster trying to get out

You unleashed hell and let my soul turn into black

Now you get to watch the world perish and I take everyone straight to hell to watch all of you burn

You gave me no choice

You let the beast inside out

Everything you said is eating me from the inside out

Listen to the words I say to you

You are a fake and a liar gets ready to pay for your sins

Flames from hell engulf my soul tonight

The devil waits to watch the world burn

Now I get to watch you burn

You brought this upon yourself

This is your fate

You can’t be saved

This is better than drugs  

This is better than jumping off a cliff into the ocean

You were like a drug till you went and f---ed up stupid boy

I told you everything you walked away

Get the f*** out of my face

I am gonna throw the first punch

I can’t sit and watch you think it is okay to do this b**** you’ve got to pay for what you did tonight

You were like heaven but you are built for sin

I am like hell because that’s where I belong

I am like a hellhound ready to kill

I will be the first to light a match and watch everything burn to the ground

The author's comments:

about a guy

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