The land of the lego | Teen Ink

The land of the lego

September 10, 2014
By AstaGeil BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
AstaGeil BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the land of the lego I played with

On the soft sheet in the spotless, shiny house

I am from fear of the fog with fangs

and angels and demons and Him.


I am from praise Him!

And slow mumbled prayer…

Old ladies with cloying candy for Christmas

I am sorry for the unwanted ‘rebel’

And I am scared of your promise of hell.


I am from lego that clutches together

With a click! that people don’t make

I am from the land where you don’t talk to strangers

Where you are equal with your first door neighbor

Even if he pees in your roses

And let dandelions blow in your yard.


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