love from the stars | Teen Ink

love from the stars

September 2, 2014
By christoph SILVER, Witchita, Kansas
christoph SILVER, Witchita, Kansas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

have you met someone you cant live without

someone you would from the rooftops there name shout.

have you ever felt the warmth of love

the fealing that makes your heart soar like a dove

have you ever felt their warm embrase

because once you feal it your forever on that chase

have you ever loved someone who knows you to be true

you trust them will all and you trust them just as you knew

have you ever felt the lips of your love

knowing forever that they will be your above 

The author's comments:

my girlfriend is the one im writing for and i hope that she will also feal the same way as i do.

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