Life compared to Pokemon | Teen Ink

Life compared to Pokemon

August 26, 2014
By HellsingSoldier13 SILVER, Dayton, Ohio
HellsingSoldier13 SILVER, Dayton, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We do not think outside the box. We are outside the box, looking in."

Life is like the game Pokemon. You start out in your home town, on your own. After getting accquainted with your hometown, you meet someone who will be your closest friend. This friend is like your starter Pokemon. In Pokemon, your goal is to defeat the 8 gyms and get their badges. In life, your goal is to defeat the 12 gyms (Grades 1st - 12th) and obtain their badges (pass each grade). Along your journey to become the very best (Graduate), you'll encounter wild Pokemon that you can capture and turn them into your companinons (Making friends). Also during your journey, you will encounter your rival. Your rival represents milestones and challenges that you must overcome in life. You will also encounter a group of people who's goal is to make your life miserable (Bullies). Throughout your journey, you will battle (confront) these bullies. At one point, you will battle the Boss (Head) of the people who make your life hell. When you have defeated this person, the people who gave you hell should disperse and no longer bother you. When you have overcome your rival, and have defetead the Bullies, all that is left is to finish collecting your gym badges. During your journey, or after you have completed it, you could encounter that one person, that very special person that you want to have with you for the rest of your life. That person is like your Legendary Pokemon. Once you have collected all 12 badges, you have a choice: Either settle down with your special person and get a job. Or, continue on to Victory Road (2 year college) and then onto the Elite Four (4+ year college). Once you've defeated the Elite Four and have become Champion (Earned your degree), your possibilities are Endless.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 21 2014 at 5:22 pm
Angel.Of.Darkness, London, Other
0 articles 21 photos 47 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is not wise to judge others based on your own preconceptions and by their appearances ♡

Aw this is such a good piece of writing ^-^ love it

on Oct. 20 2014 at 4:49 pm
Losutus_soul BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 26 comments
you ruined pokemon now