Forever Falling | Teen Ink

Forever Falling

August 16, 2014
By OGScubaSteve BRONZE, Chula Vista, California
OGScubaSteve BRONZE, Chula Vista, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I had hated it.
But I gave it a chance.
It grew on to me.
So I fell.
Leaving everything behind.
I fell into an endless hole.
Going down.
Deeper and deeper.
With every second I spent with it.
This bottomless void was inescapable.
I knew I would never have it.
So I would try and climb back up.
But each time.
I fell.
Deeper and deeper.
I discovered there was no escape.
So I dug.
Searching in this void.
Deeper and deeper.
And I struck it.
I was rich.
I was fulfilled.
I loved the treasure.
And the treasure loved me.
The hole was filled with happiness.
But I forgot I was still stuck in a void.
A hellish hole with no escape.
But I soon was reminded.
The treasure had made me forget.
The treasure and I needed a break.
So I didn’t see the treasure for some time.
I continued down the void.
Deeper and deeper.
Waiting till I found the treasure again.
Thinking constantly of the treasure.
But the treasure liked new owners.
And everyone liked the treasure.
So a lonely bandit came along.
And my treasure liked this bandit.
Enough to go with the bandit.
Leaving me in the void.
I kept searching for the treasure.
Deeper and deeper.
Knowingly doing it in vain.
The treasure had left me.
The only thing I loved.

The author's comments:
A girl broke my heart.

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