shattered | Teen Ink


August 16, 2014
By nickjt30 BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
nickjt30 BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’d rather stand here and pretend that I'm jokin
than admit to the feelings deep down that you have awoken.
There aren't enough words to be spoken
about your beauty which is a sacred token.

Until the day that i die, i promise that i will not lie,
i love you with all my heart
and you should know that that’s the truth because you're extremely smart.
As long as you're with me, i will only think of thee.

I've come too far and worked to hard, for you to leave my gentle heart scarred.
I’ll work towards your love till the day that i die,
and hopefully sometime before then you’ll give us a try.

I can't deny you are the best, you wanna know why?
its because you're a hundred times better than the rest.
your eyes shine brighter than the brightest star in the sky,
i want to take you to a place you can see them,maybe Dubai.

I’ll travel to the ends of the Earth
to prove to you that i'm near worth.
Your heart is the only thing i desire,
in my mind it lights a warming fire.
I think of you all night and day,
i beg you not to listen to your brain
but only to what you think your heart is saying.

i’ll comfort you when you're in need,
and if someone bugs you i’ll take the lead.
I’ll be your knight that comes to save the day,
and when i capture your heart you’ll scream hooray.

Don't let your mind give you all these restrictions
just come to me and listen to my deepest depictions

The author's comments:
A girl I have liked for 10 years inspired me to write this poem. I have chased her for so long but it seems like she always breaks my heart.

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