What Remains of Me | Teen Ink

What Remains of Me

July 29, 2014
By dickinsonpoet425 GOLD, Burbank, California
dickinsonpoet425 GOLD, Burbank, California
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This is my letter to the world,

That never wrote to me,--
The simple news that Nature told,

With tender majesty."

You asked me to be perfect
and perfect I became
but now I'm trapped within the dark
and I'll remain the same

I wished to make them happy
the ones around, close and dear
but my wish stole my bliss and joy
and I remained with fear

Your expectations gave me hope
that I was finally me
but I failed each and every task
and what remained I could not see

I tried and tried to make things right
to fix what you had to see
but my heart was too torn, too lost, too cracked
and the remains are not even me

The author's comments:
While I thought out the message of this poem, I came across something that made me rethink things. You don't have to be what people want you to be. You don't have to be extraordinary by the standards of others. When you work that hard to please others, you lose sight of who you are. As long as you can be yourself, trust yourself, and be happy then you are already extraordinary.

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