Lone Rider | Teen Ink

Lone Rider

June 21, 2014
By LoneRider BRONZE, Houston, Texas
LoneRider BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments




and Summer

the cycle is neverending

day and night

chase each other’s tails

weeks and weeks

a mesmerizing merry-go-round

time flies past

my dark horse races forth

my beautiful black stallion

through time’s temper tantrums,

carefree happiness,

and mindless rage

and so we ride,

though we know not

what lies ahead of us

nor whether or not it

is worth the trouble

yet we push on

knowing only to go forward

with the current of the breeze

ruffling through both our

long, dark hair

what is to become of us,

we know not

and yet we know that

behind us lays only

a dark, barren land

where we cannot survive

and so we push on

on into the gray unknown

perhaps knowing

somewhere deep inside

that all this running has no purpose

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I was in the 8th grade. This was one of my first pieces, please give me feedback. I'd like to post more of my poetry.

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