On How to Fly | Teen Ink

On How to Fly

June 22, 2014
By Lanalover GOLD, Glendale, California
Lanalover GOLD, Glendale, California
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are the change you wish to see in the world.

She holds a pretty smile,
What a pretty smile,
Across her cheeks,
And spreading for miles,
Yet all I see,
Is a trapped bird, trying to sing,
Stuck to the nest,
It tries to stay strong,
Even when knowing,
It can’t fly away,
Can’t go east and flowing,
Oh how to fly,
How to soar away,
How to forget all your life,
And just run away,
All I see, in that beautiful smile,
Is a trapped bird, trying to sing,
I just hope one day,
I'll manage to see,
A smile on her face,
Of a bird,

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