Etched | Teen Ink


June 19, 2014
By basedhann BRONZE, Spring Grove, Pennsylvania
basedhann BRONZE, Spring Grove, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"God has made us what we are" Ephesians 2:10

Ever feel like you're drifting in the wind?
The pain shifting under your weight,
The hot sand on the coast burning your skin,
Like the tears in your eyes.
Ever feel as though one day you'll just break,
And the ocean will just make you one with the tide,
Like the waves are a part if you,
Your fluctuating moods,
Your fluctuating minds.
You're that bird in the horizon
that always goes too deep,
Almost plunges in,
That always seems to barely get away,
You soar so high,
But you feel as shallow as the deep sea's reef.

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