GOD made the Cosmos | Teen Ink

GOD made the Cosmos

June 12, 2014
By AmyMargaret SILVER, Melrose, Minnesota
AmyMargaret SILVER, Melrose, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every one is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Albert Einstein

You say, "if it's a possibility in the cosmos,"
I say; "GOD willing."
You say that you love me
I only used to
I'm broken
Heart torn to shreds
Lost. Confused. Help.
You say that you love me
I only used to.
A year ago, I have you a precious gift
My heart to hold -- to protect
You gave it back.
Here, it lies Shattered --
In disrepair
And now, you seem to ask, "how much pain
can you bear?
Give me your heart,"
You whisper to my soul --
Those blue eyes, if I had only known
That I would fall
So hard
So fast
For the blue-eyed boy who put me last
"The cosmos," you say
"GOD willing," for me
Can our love overcome
The past?
The pain?

GOD helped me forgive
Tell me, what did the cosmos teach you?

"Give me your heart," you whisper,
"I'm filled with regret, because, now, I can see, that the cosmos made you for me."

Except, GOD made the cosmos.
You see,
I'm afraid of You and me
Afraid of
may be

We're not the same --
I don't drink, swear or smoke -- I read my Bible every night -- I am not ashamed.
And that's not going to change.

But, can I love you?
On something as simple as a whim?
Can love break down the walls
That we've built ourselves in?
What about the differences?
The pain that keeps me at bay?

Will you promise to take it away?

"Give me your heart," you whispered into my soul, "GOD willing, I'll give it back whole."

The author's comments:
I wrote this after the subject of a previous heartbreak revealed his new-found affection for me. We're so different and as I wrote "GOD made the Cosmos," I explored the potential that our relationship may or may not have.

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