Colors | Teen Ink


June 11, 2014
By peanutman36 BRONZE, Mt. Vernon, Missouri
peanutman36 BRONZE, Mt. Vernon, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
life is lie a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get.

Red and Blue
Rules the lost
City streets

While they both
Have created a great
Hatred for each other

They do have one
Thing in common
They kill

As they walk through
The streets of Los Angeles
They hunt

There is a man mowing his yard
He is believed to have been a member
Of the bloods.

We decide to
Pay a

There has been a gruesome
Murder on 6th street
He has been stabbed 73 times in the chest

We have decided to do a raid on
The house down the road
It is believed to be the Crips hide away

We get to the house
Bust in the door
Shoot everyone in the house

A house has been broken into on 7th street
15 people have been killed

It’s sad how much our lifestyle has been
Changed by gangs and violence
Stop the gang violence

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