The End Part. 2 | Teen Ink

The End Part. 2

June 10, 2014
By wadebonsell BRONZE, State College, Pennsylvania
wadebonsell BRONZE, State College, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Finals are almost done now
I have about 4 periods left
Until the end of this year
And the finals I once feared
Have now been completed, defeated,
I take a breath and settle down, to see if my grades deserve a crown.
Hopefully next year will be better than this.
A slate wiped completely clean
so I can strive for 4.0 gpa
the dream.
I feel as though this year,
could make me want to shed a tear
As it comes to a close, I realize
Its time for summer clothes,
not a care in the world,
I may find a girl
or maybe never,
but this summer will be better than ever.
Since my last poem was to short
I don't know how to count lines,
but I hope this will work.

The author's comments:
My reflection on the end of the school year.

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