Still Brothers | Teen Ink

Still Brothers

June 7, 2014
By hashpotate SILVER, Montoursville, Pennsylvania
hashpotate SILVER, Montoursville, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Whisper a dangerous secret to someone you care about. Now they have the power to destroy you, but they won't. This is what love is." - Cecil Baldwin

You're beautiful, smart.
I'm ugly. Stupid.
You're strong, mature.
I'm weak. Wild.

Even though
all we are
is polar opposites
we're still brothers

You're sweet, attractive.
I'm bipolar, shy.
You're Death.
I'm Life.

Even though
all we are
is polar opposites
we're still brothers.

The author's comments:
Just from the viewpoint of a distressed brother, inspired by a character.

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