Depression | Teen Ink


June 6, 2014
By mixlove GOLD, Danbury, New Hampshire
mixlove GOLD, Danbury, New Hampshire
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a falling star

Depression hurts.
Depression lingers.
Depression is not something you can live with;
Depression is like a disease.
It stings and burns,
Tears you down, and eats you from the inside.
It turns your stomach,
It makes you sick,
It sits there until you find a cure.
A cure for depression is not a pill,
It is not any kind of medication,
It is finding peace and happiness within yourself.
Finding a place where you can let that depression out
A joyful, lighthearted place.
A place where peace and love surrounds you.

The author's comments:
I hope that if you read this and you are depressed that you will find that joyful place.

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