Confused | Teen Ink


June 5, 2014
By mixlove GOLD, Danbury, New Hampshire
mixlove GOLD, Danbury, New Hampshire
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a falling star

I feel confused.
I feel lost.
I dont know what to say.

Wow love is a hard thing to handle;
It is hard to love someone
Who looks at you as just a friend.

You are lost in his charm,
So you cannot say a thing.
You want to so bad but you don't
What is there to say?
So you sit there and do nothing,
You just stare down at your paper,
Trying not to notice,
His lovely face,
His cool eyes,
His beautiful smile,
His amazing personality.
So you sit there with a smile on your face like nothing is wrong.
“Wow” what a feeling of love and excitement.

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