Chatter | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By JustAnotherMe GOLD, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
JustAnotherMe GOLD, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never say good bye, because good bye means going away, and going away means forgetting."-Peter Pan

Sitting in a room
all you hear is an overpowering chatter.
The chatter in your messed up mind gathers.
It never goes away, go away.

Wait for the silence.
It never comes and it kills you.
You're alone like everyone else in this sick world.
The chatter gathers,
noone knows.
No one cares.
Or so you tell yourself.
So all you hear is an overpowering Chatter/
It cramps up in your head
threatening to explode and end you.
It's seven devils having a party.
Cry in the dark.
Beg for it to leave but it just sreams louder.

Sitting in a room,
listen to the chatter.

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