Division | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By kaylamorcat PLATINUM, Worcester, Massachusetts
kaylamorcat PLATINUM, Worcester, Massachusetts
25 articles 0 photos 1 comment

His mind had shadows
They bended unnaturally,
Like the road he walked everyday.
We shared that road
And he would tell me
About stuff.
He thought a lot of stuff was
I did too, and we
Bonded and bended together
Everyday on that road.
The material beneath our feet
Shifted sometimes, but
It remained a grey blur.
It reached our eyes sometimes;
We would look to
The sky, or each other,
And they would unfog.

He prayed to God
And asked why the road
Was so grey and
Why the sky so bright.
You never even look up
Till you’re almost dead.
While he prayed,
I meditated and
I asked myself the same.
As the words began to
Ooze out of my chapped lips
He shushed me
And held those beads
Closer to his heart
Than I knew anyone
Could ever be.
I turned and walked back.
Without him.
He said wait,
But light does not wait
For those who are blind,
It simply never reaches them.

And just the other day
I remembered that secret
Why the road is grey
And the sky is bright.
If the sky was dull,
And the road was bright,
Nothing would light the road,
Nothing would pull the travelers
Forward or backwards,
They would simply kneel,
Confused by that light
And pray to something
That resided in
that dark abyss above.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem when I was having difficulty finding myself and I realized that for me personally, my religion was holding me back. I felt so bound to the religion I grew up with, I thought it was the governing force of my entire existence. As well as my religious-crisis inspiring this, my experience with other humans did as well. I figured that the next things on my list of things that hold me back were human relations, so I decided to incorporate that, and use it as my main topic, and to let the religion-crisis work as a metaphor. Overall I figured that this poem could be helpful for anytime in my life that I felt confused or alone.

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