...Of Today | Teen Ink

...Of Today

May 23, 2014
By Gwenhwyfar BRONZE, Dayton, Minnesota
Gwenhwyfar BRONZE, Dayton, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We should take a moment and hold it and know that life has a hopeful undertone."
-twenty l one l pilots

On the side of the road, there was a group of kids
They walked down the street looking for a fight
Well they found their fun at the expense of another
A homeless man who looked like he hadn’t slept a night
In years…

This man was a soldier once, with a life of his own
He fought for the land that these kids stand on today
He loved his country, but his country did not love him back
This country took his love in return for some pay
And look where he is now…

As the kids walked by, they trampled over him
They pushed his belongings down the hill to the left
They laughed and continued on their way
The poor man gathered his things with his knees scraped and cleft
All because of their arrogance…

Children of today, what the hell has happened?
Have your parents given in and now you get your way?
Children of today, where is your empathy?
Has it been left to drown at sea and now wash away?
From whom has this country been granted to you?
Who fought for this place you call home?
Children of today open your eyes to-
The fact that all you have is a gift, not your own
Children of today, don’t waste your life on hate
Develop respect for others before it is too late
A girl of sixteen walks up her stairs
Slams the door behind her, tears in her eyes
She took out a blade and cut her wrists
She thought that no one heard her cries
She was blinded by her own pain…

Teens of today, what’s going on around you?
Are you in need of food or something to drink?
Teens of today, look at the big picture!
Stop for a moment, take time to think
Teens of today, there are people dying
They die because they must go without
All of these things that you take for granted
Stop lying around and moping about
Teens of today, take your pain and use it
Use it to inspire, and please don’t ever quit

A father looked at his three year old child
The anger was welling up in his eyes
The child wouldn’t stop the noise
He could see the need in the baby’s eyes
He took his hand and raised it
And fiercely let it glide
Into the childs face
And louder the baby cried
And louder
And louder…

Parents of today, do you not love your children?
Do you not hear their cries, desperate and loud?
Parents of today, be the good example
Don’t let your children fall victim to the crowd
Parents of today, teach your children respect
Don’t let them trample the honor of others
Parents of today, be a leader for your children
Make sure they know they are all sisters and brothers
Parents of today, talk to your children
Help them turn their pain to anger towards all in this world that is wrong
Parents of today, be the inspiration
So the next generation may grow strong
Parents of today, teach your children to love
Before the world they live in is long dead and gon

The author's comments:
This poem is about a select few of the issues that I see in society today. People need to become more aware of others and what is going on around them instead of focusing on themselves.

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