Finally | Teen Ink


May 23, 2014
By elilienfeld PLATINUM, West Branch, Iowa
elilienfeld PLATINUM, West Branch, Iowa
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Mi salvación fue leer, leer los buenos libros, refugiarme en esos mundos donde vivir era exaltante, intenso, una aventura tras otra, donde podía sentirme libre y volvía a ser feliz"
- Mario Vargas Llosa
My salvation was read, read good books, take refuge in those worlds where living was exhilarating, intense, one adventure after another, where I could feel free and be happy again

Everything has an end
There is a moment
Where all stops
Most of the times is not our choice

There are different ways to see this end
Positive and negative
And like a battery
We decided when and how to end it

Life is an adventure
A roller coaster that goes fast
But is that moment when you realize
Enjoy your opportunities!

People stay and people go
We experience love and happiness
Yet we think
Was this adventure worth it?

A sunrise of life is now in the horizon
A new, fresh beginning
There is one thing we should say
Thank you for this experience!

Finally the time to say goodbye has come
I hope is just a “see you later”
But if it doesn’t happen
Don’t be sad, just remember!

Remember the moments of happiness
Remember the love
And please remember
I will always have you in my heart and my soul

The author's comments:
Traveling, changing course...that is all what life is about

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