The Final Decision | Teen Ink

The Final Decision

May 24, 2014
By ConcealedSoul SILVER, Walnut, California
ConcealedSoul SILVER, Walnut, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The experience of love is the recollection of Heaven." ~ Plato

Capulet disregards her opinions
Threats spill
To leave Juliet out in the open
Forever disowned.

If she refuses,
I swear to carry on the marriage
With her in hurdle.

Fiercely, directly, he shoots her heart with the words that
Leaves the young with no choice:
“I tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday … do not answer me”

The author's comments:
The school assignment was to write a poem on a character that might have caused Juliet to commit her fake death. And one of the requirements was to include at least one quote.

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