Last Chance At Love | Teen Ink

Last Chance At Love

May 21, 2014
By Stephanieeechristine BRONZE, Camarillo, California
Stephanieeechristine BRONZE, Camarillo, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Take your first breath of new life,as you wipe the tears from your eyes.

Just watch as the people pass by

Let your fears fall and make your last sigh

no longer do you have to say your good-byes

I am only here to end your cries

Only cling tight to me as we continue to sway

Assured soon you will sense the love

Love’s enthralling spell the others speak of

Eye the eyes of your lover

Look up at the sky and see there is no longer a cloud cover

Never let me go, my lover

The author's comments:
My piece is from the males perspective. The man wants to fill the holes of pain in this woman that have been made because of the way love as let her down multiple times. So he wants be here last true love that will never leave her.

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