Anaconda | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By JoannaMichele SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
JoannaMichele SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Moving with slippery strides,
Blithe in ease but brutal in strength.
Green staircase scales,
Yellow burning sight.
She is cleverness,
Wound like a coil
Blood never to boil,
Only to foil any hopes of escape.
Her muscles contract
Only to constrict
To confine her prey
In the comfort of her jaws.
Flick her tongue, swift her tail
Blink her eyes, Sink or prevail.
Rat attacks, simple tactics.
In the grasp of her black mess,
To breathe would be victory
Yet, when she sees you, you’re history.
Dare to enter the damned
Drowning domain
Where the rain cannot wash away pain
As your blood stands still in your veins.
No bird, fish, mammal, rodent, or man
Can out run her plan
Or outsmart her pace.
Where do you go to keep safe
While fate is not in your good graces?
You can’t look her in the face
When your oxygen seems
To chase out of your lungs
As she hugs you firm without haste
Around the waist ‘till your
Skin is just your outer case;
You’re nothing but snake bait,
So forget your faith and creed
When your skin starts gleams purple
Because no one can save you
From the beast in the Amazon trees
And its deathbed streams.

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