War struggles | Teen Ink

War struggles

May 13, 2014
By adamz BRONZE, Westwood, California
adamz BRONZE, Westwood, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"the more work you put in something the harder it is for you to give it up"

The clanking of metal all around
Men falling on the ground
My comrades scream to end it all
Beg of me to not let the base fall
Pain and darkness as far as a man can see
The price we must pay to be free
Our courage will be put to the test
We all pray not to reach our eternal rest
Our troops will not fail
We must prevail
Dreams of a better future for you and me
So we can all live happily

The author's comments:
This piece is fictional but based on war as a whole.

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