I Am Me | Teen Ink

I Am Me

May 12, 2014
By inawang PLATINUM, Portland, Oregon
inawang PLATINUM, Portland, Oregon
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I am a tightrope, flexible yet taut is twisted to the limit

just because I am human
I wonder what seeing a new spectrum of colors would be like

just because curiosity killed my cat
I hear the salt of the ocean whistling through the waves

just because it had danced on my tongue before
I see the seven deadly sins hidden around me

just because it’s disguised doesn’t mean it’s a secret
I feel the warmth of a mother’s beating heart

just because compassion throbs endlessly
I pretend to understand the world

just because I live for that little bit of intelligence
I dream to be walked over, tripped on, caressed by, and worn onto

just because if I come out alive, then I have truly lived.

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