A World Alone | Teen Ink

A World Alone

May 16, 2014
By inawang PLATINUM, Portland, Oregon
inawang PLATINUM, Portland, Oregon
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

She walks in utter darkness
The world is still and quiet
no stirring
wind whistling through the dancing leaves
the smells of spice and nutmeg
winter chills settle in
nothing but the crunch of dead leaves
smothered under her feet
I see her shiver and pull her scarf tighter,
suffocating her neck
until it drowns itself
in an ocean of wool
Almost there, I hear her whisper
wisps of silvery gray swirl out
yet disappear just as quickly
as her footsteps slow
her bright eyes twinkle
like the light shining through
her scars
as tears fill the iridescent pond
as the moonlight caresses its surface.
She thinks she is alone,
But I have been watching her.
She disappears each morning,
Only to return each night.
I retreat back into the dark shadows of the forest.
I fly with the wind
as it takes me into the depths of my hiding.
when the pinks of baby sunrise come
again I provide an escape
as I take them into my arms
when they need it
But as they mercilessly
stab wounds under my skin
I still let them in
Maybe when I have withered away,
they will come to realize what they have done.

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