The Broken Tree | Teen Ink

The Broken Tree

May 10, 2014
By CrimsonTearsWillFlow PLATINUM, Mesa, Arizona
CrimsonTearsWillFlow PLATINUM, Mesa, Arizona
22 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sleep. Those little slices of Death: Oh how I loathe them..."
"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity..."
"Deep into that darkness peering long I stood there. Wondering...Fearing...Doubting..."
- Edgar Allan Poe

Battered and brittle
My leaves fall off one by one
And begin to wither away on the cold hard ground
Till theres nothing left on my bare limbs
The piecing wind makes me shutter from the inside out
Blowing the remains of my leaves off the ground and into the air
The sky darkens as a violent thunderstorm comes in
My arms like spider webs shake uncontrollably
The wind screeches and howls
Tears run down my body
It darkens my skin tear drop by tear drop
When the storm passes
I am left barely standing
Twisted and broken
But still standing

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