Jim Halpert | Teen Ink

Jim Halpert

May 4, 2014
By KPally SILVER, Fontana, California
KPally SILVER, Fontana, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A blur, just another being
Thanks for the paper
Hey, what's number three?
Nice kid I've met
A summer passes
Hey! We have another class this year
Here's my number, send me the homework
Vigorously working to pass
Received a few texts over summer, ehh ignore
Third year in a row, another class!
No longer just a being, but a friend
Sitting behind me, making jokes
Now I've gotten an idea
Hey, what did we do in class today?
I'll keep this conversation going
What are you doing?
A few months of this go by
You're such a cool person
Closer than ever to you
Please, don't leave me anytime soon

The author's comments:
The inevitable evolution of friendship to relationship.

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