Freedom of an Airplane | Teen Ink

Freedom of an Airplane

May 8, 2014
By Master_Jedi BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
Master_Jedi BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a busy day
In the sidewalks of New York
People who don’t know how to walk jamming traffic
Holding everyone else up

I can only think
Of what a torturous occurrence this is
Shuffling my feet to get to work
I never thought medium pace would be a bliss

But I see it in the air
Just above the clustered ground
An airplane far overhead
A little dot in the clouds

I can only think of how free those people must feel
To not have to be controlled by a traffic blob
To be flying first class
Instead of waddling in a mob

I picture watching the people
Comfortably riding along
Traveling thousands of feet in the amount of time
It takes for these people to move along.

The people striking conversations
With the people sitting to their sides
People from different countries with different stories
Who had just come along for the ride

As the plane turns around
Only to attract my attention more
I fall for its tricks
And think about what travel by air has in store

They really don’t know how lucky they are
To be in Philadelphia one day, and Paris in another
They’re all probably laughing
Sharing stories with each other

The plane seems to dip lower
To further attract my attention
My desire for its freedom, its opportunity
Grows so large, it escapes my retention.

The innovation of this thing
Was something that couldn't be bound
Something I was sure
That the people inside had found

“They’re all so happy“; I can’t help but think
“They’re as free as a bird
With the liberty to go wherever they want
Without walking in a herd.”

I picture myself on the plane
Looking at the passenger’s smiling faces
Some in conversation, some looking out the windows
Some with their noses in their suitcases.

“How I’d like to be up there!”
I so badly want to say!
“I’d have free travel in an airplane over walking
Any day!”

“I want to work in London,
Or Melbourne, or Beijing!
I want to travel around the world!
Be free to see everything!”

The plane in the sky
And the people inside
How I wish they’d know
How much I’d like to ride

But as the plane dips lower
I’m surprised to find
That it does something
That will forever scar my mind.

The plane travels through the first tower
Leaving a plane-shaped hole in its wake
It and the building burst into flame
It’s foundation beginning to break

More planes I hadn’t seen
Come to join their friend
Crashing into the towers
Bringing thousands of lives to an end

Traffic stops, but I hardly even notice
As the masses begin to die
Those who were roasted alive
And those who preferred to fall from the sky

I see the tower collapse
Crushing the people inside
Things are falling off of it - they’re more people!
Who had already so much as died

In minutes the tower had fallen
And  people came to help, to no avail
What had been done couldn’t be reversed
And they were covered by a smoky veil.

It was in that moment that I realized that
The freedom of the airplane was a lie
All liberties were, too, in this hellish world
Perhaps the only liberty is the freedom to die.

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