Spring Things | Teen Ink

Spring Things

May 1, 2014
By RDolphin5 BRONZE, Lawrenceville, Georgia
RDolphin5 BRONZE, Lawrenceville, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cold wanes away
We shed our thick overcoats and return them to the recesses of winter
And the sun wakes up and furtively peeks over the snow-dipped mountains.

Leaves adorn pearls of dew
Petals blush a shy pink
And caps of grass hairs hatch from the soil in timid unison.

The whispers of the wind cling to the air and sweep sweet nothings across the scenery
A carpet of lawn fits the sprawl of happy buds whose eyes have yet to open
And the tender arms of the trees wear green plumes in dignified manner.

Bird eggs stay cradled within a quaint nest of twigs
While the river sings on the rocks
And day curls around us like a blanket.

The time belongs to spring
Where an interlude of beauty
Carries through a slice of life.

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