Two Branches | Teen Ink

Two Branches

May 1, 2014
By mobydickinson SILVER, Columbia, South Carolina
mobydickinson SILVER, Columbia, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

two branches born brown and
green, they leave and come
bearing the windy break

or rather meaning or purpose
now vaguely understood. positioned above,
two severed branches they are

seeking to forget the dangling
detached feeling, time by time,
encountered steadily

a familiar wind sweeps--still startling.
sounds of separation
creep upon esteemed intent

they meet but seconds seem
to strain their leaves.
their rustling incomplete
entangled only partially

and yet tomorrow’s wind
may spring a sudden shift.
displaced until their next rearrangement
falsely isolated and perceived

we have but only two choices:
to stare--two branches disconnected
their paths repelled and misdirected
or rather mend
the distance unintended.

a sudden wind may break two branches
but yielding leaves sprout second chances

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