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April 30, 2014
By layersuponlayers BRONZE, Hemet, California
layersuponlayers BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone has been through something, or more things, catastrophic in their life that changes their life and the way they look at the world. It is your choice to make it something that changes you for the better."
~ me

Tell me the story
Of the boy and girl
Who had many worries
Who loved no other soul
But each other’s

Who didn’t know this from the beginning
But had been dragging themselves
At opposing ends of a miserable path
Only to reach each other
Tell me about her

And the porch swing
By the rose bushes
She sat there, didn’t she?
That is where she packaged her love
And sent it to him

With prayers to God
Asking him to bring her someone to love
Someone that would love
The beautiful eyes
She didn’t know she had

Someone that would never forget
The echo her laugh leaves
Someone to kiss
The scattered scars
On her arms

Tell me about him
And his strong arms
They didn’t get that way
By taking trips to the gym
He works in the blazing sun

Over ten hours a day
More than any sixteen year old boy
Should have to
Just to provide
For a sick mother, a little sister

And a lazy, drunk father
Who can only slur to him
That he will never be

Good enough
He just wants to feel like

One day
He can be good enough
To provide for his own family
Just good enough
They didn’t know

That they were each other’s dim light
At the end of the tunnel
Maybe they wouldn’t make it out
Maybe they would stay inside
Maybe they would decide it was safe

But they would make it
To each other
And their lights would collide
They would spark a fire
And live in serenity

Safe from their own demons
They left them outside
Because the darkness was afraid
Of something even darker that itself
It is all very tragic and beautiful

The author's comments:
i often think about who my future husband is, what he is doing at this very moment, and what will lead me to him.

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