Rip Your Heart Out | Teen Ink

Rip Your Heart Out

April 28, 2014
By Shahrier PLATINUM, Colma, California
Shahrier PLATINUM, Colma, California
28 articles 10 photos 110 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a river that no longer flows" - a friend
"when the people lead, leaders follow" - Gandhi

Thud, thud, thud.
Thundering through the empty cavity
Of the lungs.

The eco of a thousand hammers
Hitting the walls of their prison,
In unity.

Trying to break out of
The dark and empty abyss
That is the heart.

Cold and broken,
Millions of pieces,
Crying in agony.

Bloody and bruised,
Horribly abused,
Living in utter darkness.

They hammer on
At their prison walls,
In unity.

A small pinprick of light
Finally breaks through
Into the chasm.

The hole enlarges,
More light floods in,
First time breathing foreign air.

It was not the hammer’s doing,
Cut to pieces by an unknown force,
From the outside.

The knife digs deeper,
The smell of death
Becomes apparent.
The light becomes too bright
For the creature of the dark
To handle.

A hand reaches in,
It touch burns with pain,
Grabs hold.

It tugs at the hart,
Ripping the arteries and veins
That anchored the beast.

The sound of hammers
Pounding in unity,
Can no longer be heard.

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