Foundation | Teen Ink


April 27, 2014
By Courtella BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
Courtella BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

Nelson Mandela

I build a wall,
Piecing together my problems.
It is the foundation
To my sanity and my misery.

He builds a door
Imbedded in my wall.
He walks through my worries
As if they are insignificant

He says I am perfect.
I refuse to believe him.

I build a wall.
No door to pass through.
I push him away,
Unwilling to share my burdens
Or my trust.

He knocks it down,
Shattering my protection.
He questions me,
If my wall is to protect myself
Or to keep him out.

He says I am flawed.
My imperfections are perfection.

I become a wall.

Void of emotions.

A blank canvas,
Feelings painted on,
But never felt.

He breaks me.
My composure is lost.
He chips away the caked on paint,
The flakes of numbness.

I am broken.
He tries to fix me.

I am weak now.
My strength to push on
Sucked out of my body.
I begin to drift,
Drift out into the sea of nothing.

He takes my hand.
He carries me along the path.
He pushes me forward.
He saves me from drowning.

I try to stand.
He holds me up.

He builds four walls.
There is a door that passes through it.
We escape our worries.
We stand together.
We are each other’s protection.

No more walls to be built,
I lay in his arms,
I accept my fate and
Await the future.

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