TH!CK | Teen Ink


April 21, 2014
By Different_Artist GOLD, Watha, North Carolina
Different_Artist GOLD, Watha, North Carolina
13 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stay in peace, not pieces". (Iyanla Vanzant)

Some people use the word fat.
I use the word thick.
Im thick like, look at these thighs. They make you wonder “Is that her actual size, or is she packing extra weight by carrying military supplies?”
Im thick like James PAtterson Maximum Ride Series stacked on top of each other.
I’m thick like pants that say they’re my size, but feel like three sizes too small after being in the wash.
I’m thick like PHAT not FAT.
I make people wonder if a 0 should be a real size in the first place.
To some people, a size 6-8 is an average, it is to me as well, as long as its in a shoe store.
I’m thick, but in better health than those girls who claim to be magicians.
Those girls who stick their magic wands down their throat, an apple slice and a mini bottle of water “magically” reappear.
I’ve come to accept myself for being 100 and blank blank pounds.
Point being, I have come to acceptance about who I am.
The real question is,
Can you?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 29 2014 at 11:11 am
Different_Artist GOLD, Watha, North Carolina
13 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stay in peace, not pieces". (Iyanla Vanzant)

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