Sometimes I Feel | Teen Ink

Sometimes I Feel

April 22, 2014
By Devistater99 BRONZE, Matthews, North Carolina
Devistater99 BRONZE, Matthews, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't be an idiot!

Sometimes I feel like I’ve been through too much stuff
But I feel sometimes like I’ve had enough!
Sometimes I feel like I could just leave, but never come back
Sometimes I feel my parents think I’m a slack.
Sometimes my memories come back to haunt
While all my friends do is taunt.
Sometimes I feel my best isn’t enough
When that happens it really gets tough.
Sometimes I feel really dead inside
When that happens I just want to hide.
It’s hard to think
My feelings sink
For the rest of the day has been
But when I keep trying
but end up crying
I wait for the next day again…

The author's comments:
I was sad when I wrote this article, but when I wrote it down, it sounded like a poem. So, I decided to share it with the world.

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