Perfect | Teen Ink


April 16, 2014
By No_One_Will_Notice SILVER, Westminster, Colorado
No_One_Will_Notice SILVER, Westminster, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why do I wear myself down to nothing?
Would you let me widdle myself into something?
Carving me down to the absolute bitterness
Wipe away the jealousy, I got nothing left
I'm chewing on what's left of my silent tongue
From holding it back. -Botdf

What does this word mean?

To cut yourself up and get rid of parts of you to have that perfect look?

To push others down and manipulate others just so you can have that perfect reputation?

To lie to everyone including yourself that you don't have an eating disorder so you can fit in those perfect jeans?

To take all those drugs so you can hit the perfect shot?

If this is what it means to be perfect I rather be IMPERFECT,

I rather not cut myself up and sew myself tighter,
I rather not manipulate others and push them to the ground,
I rather not lie to myself that I don't have an issue,
I rather not take the drugs,

I rather be the IMPERFECT me

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