An unable description of love | Teen Ink

An unable description of love

April 13, 2014
By klopez23 SILVER, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
klopez23 SILVER, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My soul grazes like a lamb on the beauty of an indrawn tide."

I am lost in the translation I have dared to decode.
Concluding that the indescribable,
is simply that-- indescribable.
By definition,
I can not articulate
the seemingly easy thoughts into words
for he is my indescribable.
So I'm stuck dealing out the clichés.
The copyrighted,
and cheesy,
the plastic explanations,
the overly overdone,
the stale and unspecial.
But if theres anything I have learned
in my young and naïve experience with love
and with him,
its that none but fools try to conclude.
To try to name
with used and dingy definitions.

So I dive into the realm of the unknown.
Into the deep crevices of his timeless smile,
and that is where I shall find my true definition.
Deep in the uniqueness of his dark oceanic and duly magnificent eyes,
tandem with that perfect smile,
it is there that my explanation lies.
My own pure and specific and beautifully truthful reasoning behind my idolatry
and fault.
I have embarked on this journey accompanied by my greatest companion,
and in him,
I've found the beauty of myself.
I discovered the feeling of hopeful want,
the feeling that grows in my chest
and spreads to my fingertips
is a gently embraces skin that clings so lovingly to the lines on his body.

I have never before known the sweetness and the power behind a long-awaited kiss.
That sparkling jump that tingles in my stomach,
makes the hair on my arms rise abruptly and startles me for a perfect moment
then settles all at once in an abundant rush
of pleasant and admirable warmth and security.
The psalm that angelically rings in my heart and in my unworthy mind
rattles all that I've known before
and makes me question my prior reasoning.
I have been convinced that the shattered pieces of the past will forever be mended
as long as I am in the arms of he who I am indescribable.

And to my indescribable,
I will never cease to love.

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