Abuse Is Not Love | Teen Ink

Abuse Is Not Love

March 30, 2014
By fisto BRONZE, London, Other
fisto BRONZE, London, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Look at you
Look at what you've become
You think this happiness
Having her under your thumb
Her resolve breaking down
The parts used to fix your life
Her medium of release
The blade of a knife
This is abuse
In its emotional sense
Using sadness and anger to manipulate
And hence
It doesn't take much
To bring a state of vex
This relationships a cycle
Of pain and sex
Sex only providing a temporay relief
Before our eyes are opened
To the strife and grief
Yet she defends you
Once said its problems at home
With each word in your defense
I think Stockholm, Stockholm
Since her resolve is crumbling
To ashes and dust
I ask myself whether its love or lust
Lust its loss
A fear of losing control
Like you did with another
Like you did as whole
Thats why she"s your second
Thats why you're with her
A girl who never argues
Retaliates or infers
So you can remain in control
Keep her in a drone like state
Where her spirit is in your hands
Where you decide her fate
So I write this poem with the hope
That we break out of this situation
Before an escalation insues
Before physical and sexual have an invitation

The author's comments:
My friend has been abused for almost a year now i just needed to write this to let it out

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