Fake Love | Teen Ink

Fake Love

April 1, 2014
By b3autykill3r GOLD, Grottoes, Virginia
b3autykill3r GOLD, Grottoes, Virginia
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak,sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go.

Invisible love we shared
for two very long years
baby not one time you showed
that you ever even cared
come to find out every word spoken
was just a lie to leave me broken
a fool you are for leaving like a coward
giving up on someone so faithful
hurtful words were all that was spoken
shattering my heart with no feeling
so cruel you lifted your hand to my face
hitting me is a brutal memory i can not erase
tears stream down my cheeks left to fall on my chest
to lay upon this empty lost soul within
now not a feeling is left
happy to have this giving heart back
i lost the fight only to win the battle

The author's comments:
i came up with this after my ex and i broke up,he was abusive in every way possible. because of my 2 year relationship that turned out for the worst it inspires me to write about it.

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