Annie Song By Mom | Teen Ink

Annie Song By Mom

March 30, 2014
By ELHAAG20 SILVER, McCook, Nebraska
ELHAAG20 SILVER, McCook, Nebraska
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - The Serenity Prayer

At one I lived for grandma’s homemade dresses,
Blankets snuggled close to my skin.
Family members cooed and hugged me
Because, five years have lapsed in-between my cousins and I.
While Mommy hushed my little cry’s
Singing the Annie Song to me at night.

At two I lived to make my mother scream.
I was into everything.
There were locks on draws, cabinets, and even the fridge.
It didn’t help that she was expecting my little sis
But to help me cool down she would
Sing the Annie Song to be at night

AT three I lived to be a the older sis.
I showed my little sis how to walk
and frustrated that she wasn’t catching on.
I learned to share although I wasn’t very good at it.
So In my mind I learned to let Abby
Listen to the Annie Song to as mom rocked us to sleep at night.

At four I lived for colored books
Friends made at daycare.
From Author to Barney
I learned how to write my name.
I was mom’s little angel and
Abby’s was my copier machine.
One little bed to myself and a crib still beside me.
We listened for mom to sing the Annie Song to us ,as are eyes played tricks on us
Fooling us from ever staying awake.

At five I lived for teasing my sister.
She was younger and I was older.
She was my patient, servant, tester, and testier.
I was her doctor, boss, queen, Scientists, and big sister.
I traded with her fairly.
“One gummy worm for you, Two gummy worms for me”
“One gummy worm for you, two gummy worms for me”
I was nice during Halloween,
I said I would only take her candy if she didn’t like it.
But I think mom finally got tired of our bickering every Halloween.
She put the bucket of candy on top of the fridge.
Well good thing the stool was by the stove
And the stove by the fridge.
So I could grab that bucket of candy before mom noticed
The missing item from on top of the fridge.
I knew that mom still loved us know matter what we did
Because she would sing the Annie Song to us at night.
Not only once now but three time more
So she made us drowsy before
she shunted the door.

At six I lived for Kindergarten.
Mrs. King was full of surprises.
Wavy thick golden hair on top of her head
A Picasso painting of a flower
Paint, colors and paper
With our design hanged upon the wall.
But just because I was at school during the days
Didn’t mean I wasn’t ornery by night.
Mom was expecting again
Mom told me to take a nap
I told her I was too old for that.
She told me there would come a time
When I couldn’t take a nap,
But would want one some day
So she told me, I would need all the sleep I could get.
She sung the Annie Song as I let my eye close into a deep restful sleep.

At nineteen I live for homework, work and bills
So busy I can’t slow down
Even for the smallest task
So I believe my mother was right
I wish I could take a nap
To old now for mom to rock me to sleep
That doesn’t mean I still don’t sing
the Annie Song before I fall asleep.

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