A Basilica Of Broken Bones | Teen Ink

A Basilica Of Broken Bones

March 23, 2014
By lookinradfeelinsad BRONZE, New Hope, Pennsylvania
lookinradfeelinsad BRONZE, New Hope, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Obliged to silver, a feeling of lingering tranquility
Too many broken promises and breaths holding a stench of liquor
Remarks made from the man who was supposed to be reverent,
But proved about the maturity level of a frivolous teenager.
A man without a filter,a chip on his shoulder
No barriers for the words from the withered mouth,
Excuses trailing down his chin,
Just like the foam from his most recent relapse.
Tell me, father, brother, uncle, lover,
What could you do to make this up to the little girl,
Hidden under the floorboards of the broken place she calls "Home?"
A blank expression remains,
The air held what he had done.
Are there confines to a mans actions?
Are there boundaries to a mans hand?
We ask ourselves questions only god can answer.

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