Babies | Teen Ink


March 18, 2014
By Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

They called them cute
They called them a precious gift from above.
But in reality they aren’t.

They are nothing but sniffeling, slobbering, spitting machines.
Machines that cause pain and suffering,
Pain and suffering for only the caretaker.
Others find them adorable and lovely.
But they aren’t.

Try being the one that has to give.
Try being the one who has to care.
Try being the one who has to love.
Try being under aged.

It wasn't my fault.
I didn’t want them.
But there is no turning back now.
They’re here and there’s no way out.

They called them cute
They called them a precious gift from above.
But in reality they aren't.

The author's comments:
Inspiration: The pain of having a dog/child. Don't have children.
Hope to give: The idea that children aren't baby dolls that can be dressed up and played with.

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